Vintage R/C Plane Collection
A collection of Vintage R/C kit Planes. This collection includes two Cub plane kits, Piper Cub J3 with a wing span of 9ft (108 Inches) and Piper Cub super Cruiser with a wing span of 72 Inches. Smith Miniplane with a wing span of 44 Inches. Vindaloo with a wing span of 52 Inches. All planes are still in orignal boxes. As well as four planes this collection also comprises of an Enya model engine still in the box. Turbomat 4 R/C charger still in box. Heat sealing tool still in box. Hitec R/C controller. All kits are beleived to be complete and in working order. Consigned by Scott Walters
Collection from Iver Buckinghamshire
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